New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo got some good press at the start of the pandemic. Some Democrats even wanted him to run for president. B...

Democrat Governor Cuomo Hit With Lawsuit – His Office Has Been Accused Of “Gross Abuse Of Their Power”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo got some good press at the start of the pandemic. Some Democrats even wanted him to run for president.
But things have changed very quickly. New details have emerged that cast a shadow on the governor’s COVID-19 response. Despite saying New York is “on the other side of the mountain,” he extended the lockdown.
Now, one group is going so far as to hit him with a lawsuit.
From Fox Business:
A Western New York law firm has accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state’s attorney general of abusing their power in ordering further novel coronavirus closures…
HoganWillig PLLC, a law firm with several offices throughout the state’s western region, sued Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday.
A New York law firm is hitting the governor and the state’s attorney general with a lawsuit over the extended lockdowns.
The law firm has accused them of “abusing their power” by pushing more lockdown measures:
“Defendants, in a disturbing and gross abuse of their power, have seized the COVID19 pandemic to expand their authority by unprecedented lengths, without any proper Constitutional, statutory, or common law basis therefor,” the lawsuit states.
Lawsuits against blue states over lockdowns have gotten pretty common these days. As Democrat governors pushed lockdowns into June (or July), Americans have fought back.
And, believe it or not, these lawsuits are not frivilous. This pandemic caught the country by surprise. We all sat back and watched as governors possibly violated our rights, all in the name of public safety.
Only now are people demanding them back, many leaders are extending their lockdown with weak justification.
We think cases like these need to be beought before the judicial branch. Serious limits need to be set by the courts on how much a governor can do in the interest of “safety.”
Many worry that the lockdowns will bring a greater health crisis than the virus itself. With many out of work, how can they afford basic needs like food, medicine, or healthcare?
Extending the lockdowns as virus cases decline could be cruel, or even vindictive. We all know how the governor of Michigan acted, and how the state’s citizens responded.
Judges can decide if these lockdowns are constitutional. They can set limits so that next time, governors will have to find alternative methods for dealing with a crisis.
Without overriding our constitutional freedoms.
SHARE if you think Cuomo needs to be held accountable what he’s done.
Source: Fox Business

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