New evidence keeps pouring out of Capitol Hill. And many suspicions seem to be confirmed. Recently released documents seem to indicate...

Congressman Zeldin Pulls Back Curtain On Schiff – He Just Demanded For Adam To Be Censured And Resign Over Russia

New evidence keeps pouring out of Capitol Hill. And many suspicions seem to be confirmed.
Recently released documents seem to indicate that Adam Schiff and his cohorts knew early on there was little (to no) evidence that Trump worked with Russia.
But the man pushed it anyway, even during the impeachment trial. Now, Rep. Zeldin is demanding consequences.

From Washington Examiner:

Rep. Lee Zeldin demanded Rep. Adam Schiff be stripped of his post as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and resign because of his role in the Russia investigation.
“Adam Schiff should not be the chair of the House Intelligence Committee. His gavel should be removed. He should be censured. He should resign.”
Rep. Lee Zeldin is demanding that Adam Schiff be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and resign from his seat.
Pretty strong demand, sure. But can you blame him?

Schiff has pushed—for years—the story that Trump colluded with Russia. He claimed he had “direct evidence” that it happened.
He even said it was “overwhelming” evidence. Oh, really?
But the very documents he pointed to appear to be all washed up. The many interviews he conducted as chairman of this powerful committee did not uncover evidence.
In fact, many Democrat officials had to admit they never saw evidence to prove Trump’s guilt.
Yet Schiff kept banging the collusion drum. Why?
Zeldin is fed up with Schiff’s games. He wants the man to actually be held accountable for his actions.
That’s pretty rare in D.C. The only way for a Democrat to be held to his deeds, is if he’s voted out of office.
But that shouldn’t stop Americans from speaking out against what they believe is corruption at the highest levels.
We need to demand our leaders to face the consequences of their actions, no matter what.
SHARE if you want Adam Schiff to resign immediately.

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