
Every state took different actions to battle the pandemic. But blue states, like California, may have gone too far. They’ve extended st...

Every state took different actions to battle the pandemic. But blue states, like California, may have gone too far.
They’ve extended strict lockdowns forcing businesses closed. Some counties might stay shut down “indefinitely.”
Many Americans are outraged. And now White House trade adviser Peter Navarro is predicting serious repercussions, come November.
From Fox News:
“California is my home state,” Navarro said. “I think it’s going to become a red state with that kind of leadership. The reality is that if we don’t open this economy back up we’re not going to have an economy.”
Now, this is something Democrats should be paying attention to. Navarro is predicting that California will be flipped to a red state if they keep up the lockdowns.
It’s no secret that liberals seem surprisingly eager to keep their economies hamstrung. The lockdowns were meant to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed.
Yet despite being over the hump, they keep businesses closed.
You can hype up fears of the disease all you want. When people can’t pay their rent, though, priorities change very quickly.
Already we saw one blue seat flipped red in CA after a special election. Could that be a sign that California residents are getting fed up with lockdown-loving Democrats?
Some seem to think Democrats are extending lockdowns to affect Trump’s re-election. Would they really hurt their own people just to get at the president?
I don’t know, but California Democrat Nancy Pelosi seemed pretty unconcerned during the lockdown. You know, with her fridge full of ice cream.
Nevertheless, will Los Angeles county’s and other’s long lockdown rules outrage citizens enough to vote for Republicans?
Crazier things have happened. All I know is, if I were a mayor in CA, I’d reopen, fast.
SHARE if you want to see California turn red in 2020.
Source: Fox News

Watch as Bill Barr claims that outside agitators are infiltrating the protests, using Antifa like tactics, and it “is a federal crime ...

Watch as Bill Barr claims that outside agitators are infiltrating the protests, using Antifa like tactics, and it “is a federal crime to cross state lines or to use interstate facilities to incite or participate in violent rioting and we will enforce those laws”

It’s real and legitimate. Accountability for his death must be addressed and is being addressed through the regular process of our criminal justice system, both at the state and at the federal level.
That system is working and moving at exceptional speed.
Already initial charges have been filed by the state. That process continues to move forward and justice will be served.

Unfortunately with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful protests are being hijacked by violent radical elements, groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.
In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized and driven by left extremist groups using antifa-like tactics, many of whom travel from outside the state to promote the violence.
We must have law and order on our streets and in our communities and it is the responsibility of the local, state leadership in the first instance to halt this violence.
The department of justice including the FBI, the U.S. Marshals, the ATF, Dea and 93 United States attorneys’ office, U.S. Attorneys’ office around the country are supporting local efforts and continue to support them and take all action necessary to enforce federal law.
In that regard, it is a federal crime to cross state lines or to use interstate facilities to incite or participate in violent rioting and we will enforce those laws.
Thank you.

President Trump has just fired his first salvo in his quest to make China pay for years of malfeasance and for intentionally allowing Co...

President Trump has just fired his first salvo in his quest to make China pay for years of malfeasance and for intentionally allowing Covid-19 to spread around the world while cornering the market on protective gear.
He has decided to cancel visas for thousands of Chinese grad students with links to the People’s liberation Army.
Via Fox News:

The White House plans to cancel visas for thousands of Chinese graduate students and researchers affiliated with Chinese universities tied to the People’s Liberation Army, according to a report.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed the plan with President Trump during a meeting Tuesday, The New York Times reported, citing officials with knowledge of the discussions.
Chinese students make up the largest percentage of international students in the U.S. and American universities, which rely on their tuition, are expected to oppose the administration’s move, according to The Times.

F.B.I. and the Justice Department have warned universities about the potential of Chinese spies among the student population – especially in the sciences – but schools have been leery of targeting students due to their nationality and have said security protocols are in place, The Times reported.
This is one of those moves that makes you scratch your head. This seems like a no-brainer that should have been done a long time ago.
Why train folks who will then go on to serve in some capacity in the military of a country that is not our ally. Seems rather stupid to be honest.
That said, glad President Trump is moving on this now.
As you might expect though university leaders are expected to oppose this move as cash is much more important to them than the security of our country.
Via the New York Times:

American universities are expected to push back against the administration’s move. While international educational exchange is prized for its intellectual value, many schools also rely on full tuition payments from foreign students to help cover costs, especially the large group of students from China.
Administrators and teachers have been briefed in recent years by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department on potential national security threats posed by Chinese students, especially ones working in the sciences. But the university employees are wary of a possible new “red scare” that targets students of a specific national background and that could contribute to anti-Asian racism.
Given how anti-America so many university professors and administrators have become this is not surprising in the least.
If they can help China while hurting the USA many academic types view that as a win.
Thank goodness President Trump is on the job during these difficult times and not a feckless Democrat like Joe Biden.

New evidence keeps pouring out of Capitol Hill. And many suspicions seem to be confirmed. Recently released documents seem to indicate...

New evidence keeps pouring out of Capitol Hill. And many suspicions seem to be confirmed.
Recently released documents seem to indicate that Adam Schiff and his cohorts knew early on there was little (to no) evidence that Trump worked with Russia.
But the man pushed it anyway, even during the impeachment trial. Now, Rep. Zeldin is demanding consequences.

From Washington Examiner:

Rep. Lee Zeldin demanded Rep. Adam Schiff be stripped of his post as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and resign because of his role in the Russia investigation.
“Adam Schiff should not be the chair of the House Intelligence Committee. His gavel should be removed. He should be censured. He should resign.”
Rep. Lee Zeldin is demanding that Adam Schiff be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and resign from his seat.
Pretty strong demand, sure. But can you blame him?

Schiff has pushed—for years—the story that Trump colluded with Russia. He claimed he had “direct evidence” that it happened.
He even said it was “overwhelming” evidence. Oh, really?
But the very documents he pointed to appear to be all washed up. The many interviews he conducted as chairman of this powerful committee did not uncover evidence.
In fact, many Democrat officials had to admit they never saw evidence to prove Trump’s guilt.
Yet Schiff kept banging the collusion drum. Why?
Zeldin is fed up with Schiff’s games. He wants the man to actually be held accountable for his actions.
That’s pretty rare in D.C. The only way for a Democrat to be held to his deeds, is if he’s voted out of office.
But that shouldn’t stop Americans from speaking out against what they believe is corruption at the highest levels.
We need to demand our leaders to face the consequences of their actions, no matter what.
SHARE if you want Adam Schiff to resign immediately.

Obama’s former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, sent an email to herself on January 20, 2017, memorializing a secret January 5th ...

Obama’s former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, sent an email to herself on January 20, 2017, memorializing a secret January 5th Oval Office meeting.
Among those present at the meeting were Barack Obama, Sally Yates, James Comey, Susan Rice, John Brennan, and James Clapper.

The January 2017 meeting was to disco the fake Steele dossier and their crooked investigation in General Flynn.
Acting DNI Richard Grenell declassified the email and released it to the public on Tuesday, the email implicates that Obama and Comey were thick as thieves.
The email shows that Barack Obama and Comey discussed Flynn’s communications with Kislyak.
Often in the email, Rice claimed Obama instructed law enforcement to proceed “by the book.”
Rice also wrote that Comey “affirmed that he is proceeding “by the book” as it relates to law enforcement.
Well, on Wednesday, Rice threw Obama’s White House Counsel under the bus and claimed that she was directed by them to write the email to herself.

 Former US Attorney Brett L. Tolman spoke out about Susan Rice’s email, explaining that Rice’s efforts were to cover her and Obama’s butt; fortunately for us, that has backfired.
Here’s what Tolman said:

Did you really think Democrats would give up their impeachment dreams after February? Of course not. Even with a crisis hammering the ...

Did you really think Democrats would give up their impeachment dreams after February? Of course not.
Even with a crisis hammering the country, House Democrats are searching for new reasons to take down President Trump.
They went all the way to the Supreme Court for documents from—get this—the Mueller probe. But the Supreme Court knocked them down.
From Fox News:

The Supreme Court temporarily denied a motion Wednesday from House Democrats to obtain grand-jury testimony and other documents from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation as they conduct what they’ve referred to as an “ongoing presidential impeachment investigation” into President Trump.
The Supreme Court denied a motion from House Democrats for a grand-jury testimony from Mueller’s Russian probe.
Even though Mueller’s investigation and report are old news, House Democrats think they can find something in it to use against Trump.

Here’s our take:

Democrats admitted to the court what we’ve known all along, that despite the fact they lost the impeachment battle, they’re still trying to investigate Trump.
Now, they claim these documents from the Mueller probe relate to the prosecutions of Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.
It seems, with bombshells coming out that appear to clear Flynn’s name, Democrats are trying to turn the tables.
After all, liberals in the media have been going after Flynn for years. Now, with the hope that his name might be cleared (and Obama’s administration getting tarnished), Democrats are hoping to flip the script.
House Democrats still have until June 1 to explain to the court why they need these documents.
But let’s be honest, do you really think there is anything in there that will hurt Trump?
The Mueller probe is long over. Mueller himself said he did not find evidence any American worked with Russia in 2016.
Yet Democrats still bang the Russian collusion drum. Why?
For years they’ve been trying to convince Americans that Trump is some kind of Russian agent. Yet few of us see any smoke from this “fire.”
With the November election around the corner, it’s hard not to believe they are only doing this to affect the outcome.
For nearly four years, House Democrats have refused to work with this president. Even to this very day, they instead work overtime to undermine him.
SHARE to tell Democrats to drop the impeachment hunt and get back to helping America.
Source: Fox News

Another hoax was demolished today by baseball legend Darryl Strawberry who came out with strong support of President Trump. The only thin...

Another hoax was demolished today by baseball legend Darryl Strawberry who came out with strong support of President Trump. The only thing the Dems fear is minorities leaving them to vote for Trump and it appars many are and more will.
“President Trump, he’s a great man to me. He was always gracious to me. I really love him, his family. He’s always been kind to me. I’ve known him quite well and every time I’ve seen him and been around him he’s always been so gracious with me,” Darryl said,
The Daily Wire reported that former New York Mets/New York Yankees eight-time All-Star Darryl Strawberry will appear as a guest in a Trump campaign live webcast Thursday night titled “Faith in America: Black Voices for Trump.”

Strawberry, whose drug addiction eventually led him to becoming a believing Christian, which he credited for his recovery, has been a fan of President Trump for years. He said in September 2017, “President Trump, he’s a great man to me.
He was always gracious to me. I really love him, his family. I was on his show. He’s always been kind to me. I’ve known him quite well and every time I’ve seen him and been around him he’s always been so gracious with me and I’m always grateful for that.”
In 2017, Strawberry appeared on Fox & Friends to promote his new book, “Don’t Give Up On Me,” where he lauded President Trump.
Asked about President Trump’s proclamation that the opioid crisis was a “national emergency,” Strawberry replied, “I feel great.
I wish I could get on his team and really help and be a part of educating people because we’ve got to get back to educating people … He’s right.

It’s a crisis, and we need to get out there and we need to just really educate everybody. The stigma of addiction and drugs are real and people need help and we just need to get back to doing that.”
Host Brian Kilmeade noted that Strawberry pushed addicts to reconnect with God, prompting Strawberry to reply, “Yes. I push them into finding God. It’s faith in Jesus that my life changed forever.
We need to get back to faith and get faith and get faith programs to educate them and that part of the brokenness that’s going on inside.
And that’s the reason we wrote this book; our tea, our team is a great team … people help people, and if we don’t get back to what this is really all about is being real people, not color, but just helping people, people are going to continue to die.”
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TheHill  reports  coming on the heels of two special election wins, House Republicans are feeling a new sense of optimism about their o...

TheHill reports coming on the heels of two special election wins, House Republicans are feeling a new sense of optimism about their odds of taking back control of the lower chamber, with National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) saying he feels the House is more than just in play.
While independent political forecasters have largely projected that Republicans face a steep uphill climb to win back the majority — citing the number of retirements, the number of seats that flipped in the midterms and the fact that Democrats have a cash advantage — top GOP lawmakers say Rep. Mike Garcia’s (R-Calif.) victory over Democrat Christy Smith in a competitive swing district indicates political analysts may be underestimating the party’s momentum.
“The Garcia election in Los Angeles I think was a wake-up call to all the skeptics out there that in the middle of all of these difficult challenges, a Republican just flipped a seat in the suburbs of L.A., and that hasn’t been done in 22 years,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) told The Hill.
“And that, by the way, that that would be considered one of the longer-shot races,” he added. “There are a lot of other races that are much more likely to flip from Democrat to Republican to get us the majority.”
Emmer, the head of the House GOP’s campaign arm, said he believes the success in the recent special elections — particularly in a swing seat such as California’s 25th District — has provided the conference with a motivational boost. The Minnesota Republican touted the recruitment of diverse candidates leaders feel will provide the party with an edge in November and said that following Garcia’s win, even the skeptics within his conference are starting to voice that they think the party has a shot.
“I use the term bullish. You know, part of this job is you’ve got to put together a game plan, and then you got to get all the players on your team to buy into the game plan. And once they start believing, once they start to see it actually being effective when you implement the game plan, you’re going to hear a lot of our members start telling you, ‘You know what? I thought this was a 50-50 chance, you know, maybe a little bit less … but I’m starting to believe that our chances are much better than 50 percent,’” he told The Hill in an interview, noting that he feels confident with where they stand with five months to go.
Garcia won his May 12 election by just under 10 points in a district The Cook Political Report’s Partisan Voting Index — a nonpartisan, independent report — rates as “even,” while Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) edged out his Democratic opponent, Tricia Zunker, by 14 points in the race for Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District, which leans Republican.
Democrats netted 41 seats during the 2018 midterm election cycle, providing the party with the largest gains since Watergate. But Emmer said he feels the GOP has proved its strategy is effective, noting that the party wasn’t expected to win the special election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District, faced hurdles with California’s 25th and won Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District, which Democrats had viewed as a seat in play.
“Just do the math. There are 43 House Democrats sitting in more Republican seats than the one we just won in California last week. And remember, we now only need 17 to reclaim the majority,” he said. “One of the reasons the House flipped 2002 was because of the momentum that was created by special election victories.”
Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio), a former NRCC chairman, said he thinks Democratic leaders’ handling of the pandemic could also work in Republicans’ favor.
“It is certain that Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi [D-Calif.] has overreached on spending and politicizing the pandemic,” he said. “There’s still a lot of things which will play out before November, but I think we have a good chance to take back the House today.”
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Joe Biden’s racially tinged flub has come back to haunt him and his campaign and he knows he did some serious damage to his future. I ...

Joe Biden’s racially tinged flub has come back to haunt him and his campaign and he knows he did some serious damage to his future.
I don’t think even Barack Obama can fix this for sleepy Joe and for good reason. The main charge Trump has made is that the Dems take the black vote for granted every four years and then forget all about them.
History is quite clear on that and remember, Trump only needs to get a few more percentage points of the black vote and Biden loses. To repair the damage he tried to apologize today.

From The Hill:
Speaking on a call with black business leaders, Biden described the remarks as “cavalier” and said he never meant to seem as if he was taking black voters for granted.
“I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy. I shouldn’t have been so cavalier,” Biden said.
“I don’t take it for granted at all and no one should have to vote for any party based on their race, religion or background. There are African Americans who think Trump is worth voting for. I don’t think so and I’m prepared to put my record against his, that was the bottom line and it was really unfortunate, I shouldn’t have been so cavalier.”

The former vice president sparked a firestorm of controversy on the popular radio show “The Breakfast Club,” after Charlamagne said he wanted to continue discussing issues impacting the black community at a later point.
“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Republicans, and even some Democratic leaders, blasted the remarks, accusing Biden of lecturing black people on how to think and questioning the racial authenticity of black voters.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo got some good press at the start of the pandemic. Some Democrats even wanted him to run for president. B...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo got some good press at the start of the pandemic. Some Democrats even wanted him to run for president.
But things have changed very quickly. New details have emerged that cast a shadow on the governor’s COVID-19 response. Despite saying New York is “on the other side of the mountain,” he extended the lockdown.
Now, one group is going so far as to hit him with a lawsuit.
From Fox Business:
A Western New York law firm has accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state’s attorney general of abusing their power in ordering further novel coronavirus closures…
HoganWillig PLLC, a law firm with several offices throughout the state’s western region, sued Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday.
A New York law firm is hitting the governor and the state’s attorney general with a lawsuit over the extended lockdowns.
The law firm has accused them of “abusing their power” by pushing more lockdown measures:
“Defendants, in a disturbing and gross abuse of their power, have seized the COVID19 pandemic to expand their authority by unprecedented lengths, without any proper Constitutional, statutory, or common law basis therefor,” the lawsuit states.
Lawsuits against blue states over lockdowns have gotten pretty common these days. As Democrat governors pushed lockdowns into June (or July), Americans have fought back.
And, believe it or not, these lawsuits are not frivilous. This pandemic caught the country by surprise. We all sat back and watched as governors possibly violated our rights, all in the name of public safety.
Only now are people demanding them back, many leaders are extending their lockdown with weak justification.
We think cases like these need to be beought before the judicial branch. Serious limits need to be set by the courts on how much a governor can do in the interest of “safety.”
Many worry that the lockdowns will bring a greater health crisis than the virus itself. With many out of work, how can they afford basic needs like food, medicine, or healthcare?
Extending the lockdowns as virus cases decline could be cruel, or even vindictive. We all know how the governor of Michigan acted, and how the state’s citizens responded.
Judges can decide if these lockdowns are constitutional. They can set limits so that next time, governors will have to find alternative methods for dealing with a crisis.
Without overriding our constitutional freedoms.
SHARE if you think Cuomo needs to be held accountable what he’s done.
Source: Fox Business

Ukrainian parliament member Andrii Derkach just released audio recordings purportedly of Joe Biden and former Ukraine President Petro Porosh...

Ukrainian parliament member Andrii Derkach just released audio recordings purportedly of Joe Biden and former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko discussing getting rid of the pesky prosecutor.
Poroshenko:  (7:10 mark) I have some good news…  Yesterday I went and seat with the general prosecutor’s office.
Joe Biden: Yes.
Poroshenko: I especially asked him to resign… as his position as a state prosecutor… He promised to give me statement of his presentation. One hour he gave me statement of his presentation.
Joe Biden: Great.
Joe Biden: (10:20 mark) I am prepared to a public signing for a commitment for a billion dollars.  Again I am not suggesting you want it or don’t want it.  I am suggesting that is what I am prepared to do.  Again it won’t be finalized… Let me when you and I finished speaking let me huddle with my team… I agree with you there is a sense of urgency here.
Joe Biden — (14:30 minute mark from November 2016 call) Congratulations in getting the new Prosecutor General. I know there’s a lot more to that. I really think that’s good. It is going to be critical that he works to repair the damage of Shokin. I’m a man of my word. Now that the new prosecutor general is in place we’re ready to move forward to signing the one billion dollar loan guarantee. And I don’t know how you want to go about that…  I’ll leave it to you to how you want it done and where you want it done.
Here is the section where Joe Biden starts talking and Joe Biden mentions Donald Trump!
From the audio — Joe Biden tells Poroshenko: We will help you get the vote… Let me ask you one thing before I forget, Privatbank… This is getting very, very close. What I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get into *** where he thinks he’s about to buy into a situation… where it is about to collapse where he is going to pour more money into Ukraine… So anything you can do to push the Privatbank to closure so that the IMF loan comes forward I stress this is critical to your economic and national security.

The Hill  reports  Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he does not expect a criminal investigation of former President Obama or...

The Hill reports Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he does not expect a criminal investigation of former President Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden to result from the probe undertaken by U.S. Attorney John Durham.
“Based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr told reporters at the Justice Department. “Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”
 Barr was asked about President Trump’s recent remarks encouraging investigations into Obama and other officials from the previous administration during a press conference on December’s Pensacola Naval Air Station shooting. The president has suggested Obama administration officials were involved in criminal wrongdoing in connection with the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference, a probe that dogged him during his first two years in office.
Barr answered that he wouldn’t address Trump’s remarks specifically but denounced “increasing attempts to use the criminal justice system as a political weapon.”
Barr has tapped Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to oversee an investigation into the FBI’s decision-making in the investigation, including potential criminal wrongdoing. The attorney general has been deeply critical of the bureau’s handling of the investigation into contacts between Russia and the Trump campaign, and he renewed that criticism on Monday.
“What happened to the president in the 2016 election and throughout the first two years of his administration was abhorrent,” Barr said. “It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.”
“The law enforcement and intelligence apparatus of this country were involved in advancing a false and utterly baseless Russian collusion narrative against the president,” he added.
Barr said Durham was assessing whether criminal laws were broken, but insisted “this cannot be and it will not be a tit-for-tat exercise.”
“We are not going to lower the standards just to achieve a result,” he said, before adding he did not expect criminal investigations into either Obama or Biden.
Barr’s remarks may be met with disapproval by the president and his conservative allies.
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During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, President Trump said that those behind the Russia hoax and the spying on his campaign ar...

During an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, President Trump said that those behind the Russia hoax and the spying on his campaign are basically traitors to this country.
The discussion had shifted from who was behind the Russia hoax to what can be done about it.

“If this happened to Obama, instead of to me, you know what? Everybody would be in jail for years already, for years. It’s a disgraceful thing,” the President said.
Of course well all know Trump is right. There’s a double standard, one for Republicans and one for Democrats.
“But it’s — it’s — we caught them in the act, Maria. It’s a beautiful thing,” the President continued. “Every day, we’re seeing more and more information come out. We caught them. And their guys are gone. They were guarding the fort. Comey and all these guys, they were guarding the fort. And once they left, it got easier and easier.”
The president then got to his main point “And now it’s like an avalanche of really bad — call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States.
Watch via Fox News:
BARTIROMO: How involved was John Brennan?
TRUMP: Totally involved. He was totally involved. John Brennan was one of the architects, in my opinion. You look at Brennan, you look at Clapper, you look at them all. But, ultimately, the president knew everything. The president knew everything. President Obama and Vice President Biden, they knew everything.
BARTIROMO: So, what can you do about it?
TRUMP: And, again, if…
BARTIROMO: What can you do about it, that…
TRUMP: Let me just tell you, if I were in that position, it’d be a whole different thing. If this happened to Obama, instead of to a Republican president, that’s popular, 96 percent in the Republican Party, but it’s a whole different thing.
If this happened to Obama, instead of to me, you know what? Everybody would be in jail for years already, for years. It’s a disgraceful thing.
But it’s — it’s — we caught them in the act, Maria. It’s a beautiful thing. And, every day, we’re seeing more and more information come out. We caught them. And their guys are gone.
They were guarding the fort. Comey and all these guys, they were guarding the fort. And once they left, it got easier and easier.
And now it’s like an avalanche of really bad — call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected president of the United States.
BARTIROMO: They didn’t care that 53 million voted for you and wanted you in the office.
TRUMP: More than 63 million. Just so you understand that they got caught in the act. They never thought that was going to happen. And they got sloppy, where Lisa Page would text and send messages through service.
You know one of the other things that is missing? The DNC server. Where is it?
Why is it that the FBI didn’t take it? They arrested all of these people, but they didn’t arrest — they went in to see the people at DNC, right?
They go in to see, you know, her wonderful campaign manager. You know all about that, right? They went into see those people, whose brother, by the way, was supposed to be arrested. And the brother never got arrested, right?

It used to be when we took in immigrants or offered refuge to people displaced by war in poorer countries those people became patriotic Amer...

It used to be when we took in immigrants or offered refuge to people displaced by war in poorer countries those people became patriotic Americans in short order.
What a privilege to come here and get free everything including school, housing, food, medical, money, etc. Do you know that Ilham Omar has always worked non-profits, most of whom receive money from various government grants? Has she spent one day since she has been here not getting taxpayer money somehow? I doubt it.

But sadly things have changed and we now have absolute ingrates like Ilhan Omar and her daughter literally calling American soldiers bitches on social media.
The congresswoman’s 17-year-old daughter Isra Hirsi made the comments during a social media video that did not sneak past conservative activist CJ Pearson.
“I know this is a joke, but the fact that these men are calling me a bitch when they are actively killing innocent children abroad and also furthering US imperialism makes me think that they are actually the bitch,” Hirsi said.

Pearson wrote:
In this video, @israhirsi the daughter of Congresswoman @IlhanMN calls American soldiers “bitches” and accuses them of “furthering American imperialism” and “actively killing innocent children abroad”.
Where does she get these views from? I guess the apple doesn’t fall far!
@IlhanMN – do you agree with your daughter’s characterizations of American soldiers?

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